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Pitfalls of Self-Represented Divorces

A divorce is not only a painful and emotionally stressful experience but also a potentially costly one. The cost of legal expenses included in the divorce process can sometimes lead to people feeling tempted to just represent themselves and forego hiring a divorce attorney. Even in less contentious and amicable divorce situations, self-representation is not your best option, for a variety of reasons.

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Family Law FAQs

Matters involving domestic relationships or making familial changes are often complicated, delicate, and must be handled diligently. Whether you're filing for divorce or need assistance with alimony, asset division, child custody arrangements, adoption, or other family law matters, getting reliable advocacy and guidance is crucial to make well-informed decisions and avoid irreversible errors.

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Is It Possible to Relocate With Children After a Divorce?

Every year, many American households move from one state to another for various reasons, including employment and educational opportunities, starting a family, or moving closer to loved ones. Similarly, either party may decide to relocate after a divorce to start afresh.

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What Can I Do If My Ex Isn’t Paying Their Child Support?

When the non-custodial parent is delinquent with child support payments, the other party may be entitled to seek enforcement through a court order or by filing a contempt motion against the non-compliant party.

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Dispelling Adoption Myths

In Louisiana, adoption provides an opportunity for individuals and couples to accept someone else's child legally into their family. Also, they can raise the new child as their own and provide them with adequate care, consistent love, and a home in which to live. However, there are lots of misconceptions and false assumptions that prevent families from utilizing adoption opportunities.

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Considerations in a High Net Worth Divorce

A high net-worth divorce is one of the most complicated types of divorce proceedings. The stakes are high, and the decisions made can affect the rest of your life. If you are considering a high net-worth divorce in Louisiana, it is important to understand the various considerations that come with this type of case.

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Understanding the Pros & Cons of Prenuptial Agreements

Establishing a prenuptial agreement allows unmarried couples to protect their assets, children, inheritance, and finances. Also, a premarital agreement can help clarify each party's responsibilities during the marriage and help couples achieve financial security and peace of mind.

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How Does Remarriage Affect Your Divorce?

Life is full of many ups and downs. Notwithstanding the outcome of your previous relationships, you may find love and want to give marriage another try. However, remarriage can have different effects on your divorce agreement, including spousal support, child custody, visitation schedule, and child support agreements. An experienced Louisiana family law attorney can inform you about what remarriage means for your existing divorce arrangements.

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Issues in Same-Sex Divorces

It wasn’t until 2015 that a Supreme Court ruling made same-sex marriage legal across the country. Before this, it was illegal in Louisiana to marry someone of the same sex. Same-sex couples getting married in Louisiana inevitably means that at least some of those couple will eventually get divorced.

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Divorcing Later in Life

Divorce is quite common in Louisiana and across the United States, but it is not only limited to young couples. Just like younger couples, older couples also divorce later in life for different reasons. These include unresolved disputes, financial pressures, betrayal, infidelity, or desire for greater independence. However, when thinking about getting a divorce later in life, there are some crucial things to know.

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