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Frequently Asked Questions About Child Support

Child support is a crucial aspect of confirming the well-being of children whose parents are separated or divorced. It’s a legal obligation designed to provide financial support for a child’s living expenses, healthcare, education, and overall welfare.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Paternity

Paternity is a crucial aspect of family law that establishes the legal relationship between a father and his child. In Louisiana, as in other states, determining paternity can have significant implications for child support, custody, and visitation rights.

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How Posting on Social Media About a Family Law Case Can Do Damage

Social media plays a significant role in how we communicate and share personal updates. However, when it comes to family law cases, what you post online can have serious and unforeseen consequences.

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How Do the Courts Decide Whether a Parent Is Unfit for Custody?

Child custody decisions significantly impact the lives of both parents and children. In Louisiana, the courts prioritize the child's best interest above all else. Determining whether a parent is unfit for custody involves several legal standards and rigorous assessments.

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Dividing Debt in a Louisiana Divorce

Divorce is filled with difficult tasks that call for outside assistance, particularly when it comes to dividing debt. In Louisiana, the division of debt follows specific legal guidelines that can significantly impact both parties' financial futures.

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Child Custody FAQ

Dealing with child custody issues can be challenging for parents. You're managing your own emotions while also focusing on what's best for your children. At the Law Office of Ivy L. Graham, we understand the complications and are here to help you through every step.

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How Child Support Is Determined With a Fluctuating Income

Dealing with child support obligations can already feel complicated and overwhelming, but what happens when your income isn't steady? For those with fluctuating incomes—whether from freelance work, commission-based roles, or seasonal employment—figuring out how to manage and calculate child support in Louisiana presents a unique challenge.

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Health Insurance and Child Support

Child support and health insurance often go hand in hand in family law matters. When child support is ordered, one parent typically provides financial support to the other for raising the child.

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What Is Considered “Income” When Calculating Child Support?

The term 'income' can be interpreted broadly when calculating child support. It isn't just your wages or salary. Your "gross income" is taken into consideration, which means courts look at your comprehensive earnings when calculating and approving your child support arrangement.

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What Are the Biological Parent’s Rights in Adoption?

Embarking on the journey of adoption is a profound and life-changing decision filled with complexities and emotional highs and lows. It's a process that calls for understanding, patience, and a keen eye for the myriad legal requirements and procedures involved. That's where we, at The Law Office of Ivy L. Graham, step in.

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